Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tiger's Old Yearbook Photo

Mayonnaise Baths

Produced By: Rachael Phillips

Monday, June 14, 2010

Krimpin Crazay!

For my 13th Birthday celebration, my little sister decided she would do something special with her hair. Parting it down the middle, she krimped everything but the top of her head, and securely held back that frizzy mane with some fun metal clips! She was all about that hair, and I look oh so thrilled as I'm about to blow out those candles. I hope I'm wishing for fun hair!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Vacuum Diairies

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Do These Animals know they've been Humiliated?

So while these pictures are circulating the internet and being sold for peoples wall decor, this Goose and Porcupine go on living their lives, unknowingly aware that they've been made to look like complete fools. Just another common case of humans humiliatiung the animal world.

Into The Wild

My Cousin Lillian with a Coyote, she's been living with them for days now.

Homeless For The Holidays

Produced By : Rachael Phillips

Belittling Birds

The other day I came across these Birdhouses featured on a Blog, the houses were mostly cute and funny plays on words, click here to view the full post.

I immediatley IM'd my friend the link and started chatting. I laughed inside, because after all these were quite amusing. However I began to think of the birds setting up shop. My my friend and I started going back and forth. Seriously I said, how embarrassing would that be for the bird. It would really suck for the poor illiterate create that decided to make one of those houses its home. I mean, perhaps one said insane asylum across the front. All of asudden the bird would notice strange looks, it would call out to a nearby squirrel "Why aren't you speaking to me anymore!?" The poor bird wouldn't even know what had happened. I was holding back laughter at my office desk as we typed back and forth.

Suddenly a genius idea came to me. I could start marketing birdhouses that said things, not those cutsie nice things, but cruel things. Perhaps one bird house would say "A Complete Idiot Lives Here". You'd nail that up in your yard and within minutes some bird would be poking it's head in and out. At this point tears were streaming down my face and I was shaking. I think nearby coworkers were getting creeped out. We came up with many ideas, "This Bird Is A Free Loader", "Watch Your Children Around This Bird", "This Bird Can't Count", the list went on and on! We were both IMing at work of course and both holding back the laughter. It's so funny because our relationships with birds are so unqiue. No one would ever riducule their cats or dogs, but neighborhood birds, why not?